My career in IT began by developing open source solutions to provide licence-free services to small businesses. Working with a team of software enthusiasts from the north-west of the UK, I was a small cog in a wonderfully idyllic and optimistic consortium.
My role initially consisted of travelling around small businesses in Manchester and offering a free ‘audit’ of their existing IT solutions. This was back in 2006, and around this time ‘Microsoft Small Business Server’ was what most small companies would use to host their ‘groupware’ – ultimately email, calendaring & file-sharing systems.
As well as developing our own solution (the AZ1000!), we also offered local support for open source solutions. It was at the beginning of Web 2.0 (when you could start to right-click on the web) and we had got Zimbra! as one of the open source tools we’d support. We also had and a supported some Plone websites too.
A few days ago, a little poem popped up on my LinkedIn, inspired by the “I met my #youngerself for coffee” trend. I found it quite a profound way of thinking about my wider life, but for the purposes of this post I wanted to reflect back on my tech career.
The first thing I think my #youngerself would be disappointed with, is how little support the open source movement gets from the large corporates for whom it’s the lifeblood of their delivery. I doubt there are many projects running in the private sector that don’t make significant use of open source software, yet give very little back to the ecosystem – if they are even aware of it at all.
Secondly, brought into stark focus by some of the more recent political changes – would be the re-coupling of IT to large American companies. In 2006, we were trying to avoid lock in to Microsoft, who had a significant monopoly on many aspects of commercial IT. We’ve just gone and done the same with the likes of AWS, Google, & Apple. Whilst they’ve given some back, there’s unlikely to be many commercial IT endeavours that don’t pay them some dollar.
Looking forward, I wonder how far IT systems can be run within sovereign infrastructure? Germany and France seemed to take the ideal of open source more literally. Should we be looking to create home-based hosting; stop the transitions to the cloud of “just someone else’s server” – and work out how to stop the brain drain and commercial drain that is software licensing on European and British solutions.
As we pick up more AI solutions that will be biased towards the status-quo; we’ve really got to make a determined and conscious effort if we want to break it – if it’s even possible.