Category: Technology

Technical Writings; Information and Communication Technology Posts

  • New Years Resolutions

    Well, it’s another year and this blog is still pretty empty.

    I’ve got some events planned this year, so got the data dialled into TrainingPeaks to try and get myself organised. Despite having completed the half-distance Ironman last year, I didn’t feel like I could give it my all due to an achilles problem I picked up in training.

    After 10 weeks of rest, I managed to successfully complete all the hikes we did on our Honeymoon to Peru/Colombia without any further achilles pain. I also managed 3 of the 4 seasonal parkruns, and only missed NYD due to a cold, rather than being the incredibly hungover Andy I was on the 1st Jan 2024.

    Last year I completed dry Jan, and spent the year with a significantly lower alcohol consumption rate than previous years – definitely a good thing.

    So this year, I’m already committed to a 25k Canal path run on the 29th March, and a Olympic Triathlon in Belvoir Castle on the 29th July. Between then we’re also looking at a 25k trail run in the Aosta valley, to fit in with a pre-summer holiday this year.

    I need to take more breaks, relax a little bit and get the balance right between work, rest, and exercise. I’m also going to focus on my nutrition; whilst I don’t intend to calorie count or track my regular meals (I’m terrible at monotony) – I will be doing weekly reflections on how I’m doing.

    Helping me with this, I’ve recently discovered #LogSeq – and after the nice people on their discord channel gave me some pointers, I’m finding it a great way to keep the million things in my head organised.

    Here’s to 2024 – Happy New Year!